Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Why Blog about Women’s Health Issues in Liberia?

Why Blog about Women’s Health Issues in Liberia?
Most people are asking me; “Why do you want to blog and talk about women’s health issues in Liberia?” Even with restoration of peace, young girls and women in Liberia still struggle with personal healthcare issues. In response, I tell them, I want to improve their health issues and mentor girls and women through interactive means using social media. 
I understand that girls and women spend more time "face-booking" and "Yahoo" than any other communication platforms. As they spend time, the likelihood that they will get interested my blog especially if it deals with day-to-day health issues, which they relate to, the will get engaged and be educated. 
In Liberia, women’s limited empowerment exposes them to risks of poor healthcare result early death. Yet, these health problems can be prevented through simple health education. 
From my experience in using radio to talk about reconciliation and the massive public interest generated, I believe that this blog will also attain its goal and probably be the next health platform for girls and women in the sub region.  
Therefore, my goal is to improve my health and mentor other girls and women in Liberia to talk about ways to talk about our health issues and intervention.

Please follow me and stay tune.

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